There are many reasons why one may feel a headache. While we have not discovered the full scientific reasoning behind the headaches, it is known that migraine may be caused by different levels of neurotransmitters in the human brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help us feel what we do, alter our mood and how we feel on a regular basis. Neurotransmitters known as inhibitors of 5HT and proved to be of different levels in the brain when one experiences a headache.
Some common foods that can cause headaches in those who are sensitive to them: -
• Aged cheese
• Chocolate
• Nuts and seeds
• Red wine
• Cold meats / Processed meats
• Artificial sweeteners
• Dairy products and wheat
The pain that occurs in the area of ??the face may be caused by problems with gums or teeth, or by some of the neurological problems caused by nerve irritation. The headache can be caused by health problems with the ears, throat or nose (an inflammation of the sinuses is an example). Cerebral circulation problems are often the cause of headache. It can be connected to the spine degenerative changes. The first sign of a stroke and aneurysm, sudden headache.
Remember some of the commonly known risks of smoking, which are quite evident in relation to headaches:
• increased blood pressure
• Circulation problems
• increased risk of stroke
• increased risk of heart disease
• Inflammation of the sinuses
• Inflammation of the nostrils
Herbal remedies for headaches at home: -
Simple home remedy for headache, headache pillow Latin Mix 50 g (2 oz) of each of marjoram, lavender, rose petals and rose betony leaf and 15g (! Oz) ground cloves . Which in a case of cotton and keep it under your pillow. This will give relief from headache.
Natural home remedy for headache with Rose: Rose essential oil that most perfumes tranquilizers, add a few drops at a time to a warm bath or a cold compress will bring relief exquisite. This will help in reducing headache.
This is the natural remedy for headache - rose essence lid of a jar of rose petal scented with pure alcohol (BP, gin). Let stand uncovered in the sun until all the perfume is in the liquid. Rub your wrists and temples to relieve headache fragrant. This is beneficial for the treatment of headache.
This is an effective home remedy herbal for headache - Like all herbs and flower vinegars, rose petal vinegar is very easy to do. Just pop in a wide-mouth jar filled with scented red rose petals, standing the bottle in a thick cloth and very, very slowly, filled with white hot malt vinegar. Do not fill too quickly for it to break the glass. Sealed with a nonmetallic lid and leave on the sill of a window of two weeks, shaking every day. This will completely remove the headache.
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