Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Exercises in Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga originated in India many years ago. 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning union. It is the union of mind and body to achieve a balanced life. Practicing yoga not only helps tone your body, improve mental and physical health but also helps in fat loss. Yoga for weight loss is widely used by most people in the awareness is spreading. Many celebrities are using yoga for weight loss today.

Yoga is an effective way of maintaining a healthy body without negative side effects. It helps reduce fat and increase metabolism. There are several schools of yoga styles and represent different ways of practicing yoga. Some of the styles are: Bikram, Kundalini, Iyengar and Ashtanga. They all have the same objective but in slightly different ways. There are many yoga postures or asanas to lose weight. Yoga deep breathing increases oxygen intake in the body. Some of the postures and yoga exercises for weight loss are:

1. Pranayama: Pranayama is a set of breathing exercises that have a real impact on weight loss. Deep breathing makes the right way helps reduce abdominal fat. There are several breathing techniques that can be done as kapalbhati, bhastrika, Viloma Anulom, ujjayi bharamari and pranayama. Kapalbhati is said to be very effective since it is the forced expiration of air. Care should be taken that this should be done only on an empty stomach. This is not only good for obesity, but also for indigestion and heartburn. In Anulom Viloma, one has to close one nostril with your thumb and breathe deeply of the other. This has to be repeated alternating nostrils. Deep breathing exercises are very useful and should be done under the guidance.

2. Sun Health: Health in the sun or Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 postures that help you lose weight and tone your entire body. These positions along with breathing sequence provides a wealth of benefits for the body and mind. One should start with 1 or 2 laps and gradually increase to at least 10 to 12 rounds. People with high blood pressure and pregnant women are advised not to do this.

3. Bhujanga Asanas: This is also called the attitude of the cobra. Works shoulders, back, arms and other internal organs.

4. Spinal Twists Yoga: This works your abdominal region and your digestive system. Spinal twists help burn calories and tone your abs. This is a good yoga for weight loss. Just as there are many other positions that aid in weight loss. You have to learn under the guidance and perform slowly.

Yoga for weight loss will only be effective if combined with proper diet. Eliminate junk food and carbonated drinks from the diet. Include lots of vegetables, legumes, sprouts, salads and fruits in your food intake to provide the body with proteins and vitamins. Do not break your yoga routine, do regularly with dedication. Results may not be very fast, but be patient and keep practicing yoga for weight loss. It is important to do yoga under the guidance of an expert. Yoga for weight loss will also result in increased body toned, flexible body, reduced stress and anxiety, concentration, strengthening the physical and mental health.

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