Sunday, October 16, 2011

Food choices for maximum energy

If you are not an athlete or a serious sports fan, you might think that choosing foods that give the most energy are not their main concern. However, if you are always moving, in fact the desire to find more energy during the day, especially if you are still looking at the prospect of several hours of extra time and you already feel like hitting the sack. Chances are that you will think about getting another cup of coffee or chocolate bar downing a whole, thinking the extra sugar will give you the boost it needs, and then end up disappointed when only manages to give a boost energy for an hour or less.

The following foods are the best things you can opt for when you are in need of a serious energy boost:

1. Complex carbohydrates are better choices than simple carbohydrates such as sugars and processed flour. In fact, many people think that sweets and sugary juices will give them the energy they need, as seen by children become hyperactive too many sweets eaten much in one sitting. However, these foods, along with pastries and baked goods high in white sugar can result in complications for the processing of your body's blood sugar, which will lower energy level rather than the injection energy you are looking for. Instead of reaching for that chocolate bar, it's probably best to find foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, an example would be the potato and sweet potato. Of course, the chips can be made with potatoes, but having a lot of them mean inches added to your waistline, your heart as well as giving added stress from the added fat. Baked potatoes will be the best option. In terms of whole-grain breads are the best option as it takes longer to digest while giving you the energy you need.

2. The proteins are best for a big breakfast and lunch. Protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, chicken, nuts and seeds are enough to give you the energy you need for tasks throughout the day. Therefore, it would be wise to stock up on them early in the day, instead of waiting for the time when it is slow and cravings for sweets! Just make sure to choose lean cuts of meat, and opt for skinless poultry and fish, as do more than give added fat.

3. Listen to the voice that tells her mother to finish his vegetables. Hands down, green leafy vegetables are still the winner when it comes to give you the energy you need. This is because usually rich in magnesium and B vitamins You can choose from spinach, broccoli, beet greens, mustard greens, or almost anything leafy green that grows in the ground. With this in mind, you can enjoy your salad greens with greater ease.

4. Make sure you get plenty of water. Everyone knows that the daily requirement of 8 glasses of water, but if you are doing a lot of energy-intensive tasks, feel free to download more than that. While you can choose sugary sodas and juices to make heavy-duty, water will actually do good, as it helps to wake up and actually answers thirst better than the last. Sugary drinks just make you feel slow and even increase their thirst. Experts recommend taking a drink of water, preferably at room temperature, whenever you feel a sense of mental confusion, or when fatigue begins to absorb the cold water has been shown to slow digestion, so it would be best to take water at room temperature instead.

These food choices will probably help you maximize your energy, especially when most needed. However, it is limited to times when they are already desperate for an energy boost, if you can develop these healthy eating on a regular basis, you will find that your energy levels are maximized not even need the momentum additional work overtime on special days, as would a lot of energy supplied away from those times!

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